Benefits of the use of metformin for diabetes

Benefits of the use of metformin for diabetes

Metformin is generally safe to use to treat diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes. Metformin is one of the most commonly prescribed medications for managing blood sugar levels. Here are some reason to consider: Safety Profile Who Should Avoid Metformin? Metformin may not be suitable for everyone. It is typically avoided or used with caution in people…

Trajectory predicts development of severe microangiopathy

Trajectory predicts development of severe microangiopathy

Early increase in HbA1c trajectory predicts development of severe microangiopathy in patients with type 1 diabetes. The HbA1c trajectory study from the time of diagnosis to examine if patients at the greatest risk for severe microangiopathy can be identified early allowing clinicians to intervene as soon as possible to avoid complications. Research design and methodsIn…

8-year nationwide study of the bidirectional association between type 2 diabetes and depression in nearly 8 million German outpatients

8-year nationwide study of the bidirectional association between type 2 diabetes and depression in nearly 8 million German outpatients

As we are exploring potential risk differences depending on age, sex, and follow-up time.This is done by research linking type 2 diabetes and depression mostly relied on hospital-based diagnoses or prescription data, overlooking many outpatient diagnoses. We aimed to quantify the risks of depression in individuals newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and type 2…

Complications from diabetes develops gradually

Complications from diabetes develops gradually

The longer a person has diabetes and the more uncontrolled the disease is, the higher the risk of complications.Ultimately, diabetes complications can be disabling or even life-threatening.The following are some possible complications of diabetes in general, namely: Cardiovascular disease. Diabetes can increase the risk of various problems with the cardiovascular system. This includes coronary artery…

Is it safe to drink alcohol if you have diabetes?

Is it safe to drink alcohol if you have diabetes?

Is it safe to drink alcohol if you have diabetes?Many people with diabetes can safely drink alcohol in moderation. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025, “moderation” means: Up to two drinks per day for menUp to one drink per day for womenOne drink is considered: 12 ounces of beer (5 percent alcohol)5 ounces…