


When someone’s blood sugar increases without having been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This is known as prediabetes. Such can occur in children or adult. However, when this occurs in adults it certain that the person is heading towards diabetes. It is advisable to the person to watch out the kind of foods to avoid and eat.

The types of foods which such person eats goes a lot to control his state of health. If care is not taken properly, this will lead to type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes requires life style changes such as making eating healthy foods, physical activities as part of your daily routine and maintaining a healthy weight can help bring your blood sugar level back to normal.

This will not lead to type 2 diabetes if is carefully observed. But in the absence of this life style changes, adults and children with prediabetes are at high risk to develop type 2 diabetes at anytime. Meanwhile, diabetes symptoms can be present in a person that had a prediabetes. Such can give an early warning and if the person takes the right precautions he will be healed and such cannot lead to type 2 diabetes.

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