Black cumin has the ability to kill pathogens and normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients. To relieve high blood pressure, take one teaspoon of black cumin seeds, grind them into a powder, brew 250 milliliters of boiling water and let cool. Take this remedy every day on an empty stomach, only together with the infusion you should eat 2 garlic cloves.
The remedy from black cumin will help the brain to work more effectively. To do this, take one tablespoon of dry mint and one teaspoon of black cumin seeds, pour cold water (one glass), boil and pour into a thermos. Keep in the thermos for 60 minutes. This drink should be taken instead of a thirst-quencher. Only on the days of taking the infusion, drinks such as coffee or tea should be excluded.
Some researchers have indicated that black cumin lowers blood pressure and prevents vascular spasms, significantly reduces cholesterol levels.