Toothache Solution

A toothache😁 is a pain in and around the teeth and jaws. Tooth decay, an infection, loose or broken fillings, or receding gums can cause it. If you have any symptoms of a tooth abscess – like a fever, facial swelling or incessant pain in your tooth, visit the nearest dental clinic and seek for…

Our bodies are surrounded by an akashic field

Our bodies are surrounded by an akashic field, an aura extending several inches, which acts as the first point of contact with the external world. This field can accumulate impurities affecting our well-being. Aarti, similar to a fire bath or Klesha Nashana Kriya, purifies this aura. Just as water cleanses the physical body, fire cleanses…

Teflon pans are poisoning us

A huge reason why you feel like crap when eating at restaurants is because of their toxic cookware Just one scratch releases millions of endocrine disrupting chemicals that are incredibly hard to detox. It’s an unfortunate truth, but if you want to be healthy today, you need to cook >95% of your meals at home….