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Risk factors of Cardiovascular disease and their associations with inflammation among US adolescents
The prevalence of obesity and glycemic dysfunction in adolescents has increased over the past several decades but less is known on how these conditions are associated with systemic inflammation in this population. This study determined the associations between cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors and inflammation among a nationally representative sample of US. adolescents.Research design and…
Screening for foot problems early in people with diabetes is the need of the hour
Evidence on the prevalence of foot problems among people with diabetes in India at a national level is lacking. Hence, this study was aimed to assess the burden of high-risk (HR) feet in people with diabetes across India.Research design and methods. Nearly 75% of the participants were aged above 45 years. Around 49% had diabetes…
Avoiding money Mistakes that can affect your income
Here’s the secret to achieving most financial goals: saving money. But you can’t save if you spend everything you earn but what when you have nothing to earn or earn below savings point. Use your dreams as motivation for some of the scrimping that lies ahead. You must determine what can earn you income and…