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  • Mental Confusion

    Dehydration is the causes of mental confusion in the elderly  -Dr. Simmonds People over 60 years old dehydrate easily, not only because they have a smaller water supply; but also because they do not feel the lack of water in the body. Although people over 60 may look healthy, the performance of reactions and chemical…

  • Natural Blood Sugar Solutions

    Blood Sugar Symptoms In your battling against glucose, here are eight tried-and-trusted tactics you can use to maintain healthy glucose levels throughout the day.

  • Vitamin K

    Vitamin K was originally discovered in 1942 by biochemist Henrick Dam. Vitamin K has been viewed as the “redheaded stepchild” in the world of supplements and nutrition. Research is starting to reveal the very diverse benefits of this important nutrient—and some of them may surprise you. Vitamin K Functions Benefits Beyond CoagulationBut nutrition K is…