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  • Manage Blood Sugar

    When it comes to blood sugar control, many physicians prescribe oral tablets or injectable insulin. But in many cases, life-style modifications and positive dietary supplements are all you want to get glucose degrees lower back into the healthful range. There are many vitamins that can assist guide and keep blood sugar balance. But berberine is…

  • The Effects of Blood Sugar

    The presence of diabetes contributes a 2- to 4-fold increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Needless to say, extra blood sugar is surprisingly toxic. But greater than ordinary blood sugar turns into poisonous lengthy earlier than it reaches diabetic and even prediabetic levels!3 The longer your blood sugar is elevated, the extra time it has…

  • Diabetic Retinopathy

    Diabetes is whole-body disease, affecting everything from your brain all the way down to your toes. Common complications include Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular diseases, nerve damage (neuropathy), kidney and foot problems, and eye diseases. Diabetes mellitus (or simply “diabetes”) is a disease characterized by chronically high blood glucose levels. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…