Whiten your teeth without harming them

Whiten your teeth without harming them

This method helps with almost any gum disease while whitening teeth almost instantly, dissolving tartar and healing small wounds in the mouth.


  • 0.5 tsp. baking soda add.
  • 10-20 drops of hydrogen peroxide (pharmacy)
  • a few drops of lemon.

In the baking soda add hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice. Paste is ready! Dip a cotton ball in the paste and rub the paste on the teeth and gums from the outside and inside.

The lemon neutralizes the soda and gives freshness, the baking soda cleans plaque from the teeth, and the peroxide disinfects and whitens.

You should not rinse your mouth, eat or drink for 15 minutes after brushing your teeth like this.

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